This blog is an assessment requirement for NET11 which I am studying at Curtin University via Open University Australia. It is a Learning Log and all posts will be entitled with the related topics from that unit. Right now, I need to make a log in regards to my very first learning log which is about TelNet.
As soon as I copy paste telnet:// into my Web Browser, I got a message saying, What kind of terminal are you using? VT100 or NCSA VT100. I found out that whichever I chose will have the same result. Anyway, what I learned about TelNet is that it is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote computers. Through Telnet, an administrator or another user can access someone else's computer remotely. This looks very old because it is a Dos based application. I think, the equivalent of this in today's operating system is the one called RDP or Remote Desktop.

The Star Wars is good, except for a bit of a Dos type animation. It is not really attractive now a days because they wont get your attraction. However, during the 80's, I think this is really big. Doing a programming stuff based on DOS like Turbo Pascal and Turbo Basic. Also doing a Dos batch file like autoexec.bat.

File Transer Protocol (FTP)
is a standard Internet protocol, is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.Task Involve:
1. Download Filezilla
2. I have to ftp to and will use anonymous login.
3. Look at the directory structure.
4. Find the file called README
5. Then, download the file, look at it and answer the following question "according to the readme file, '_______ MATTERS' - what word goes in the blank?".
Now, I've already downloaded Filezilla and is now connected to using anonymous login. The directory structure is like this:

The directory structure goes like this, I can see the very root directory with a question mark on it. Then I have the directory called Anonymous, under Anonymous I got 3 folders and one file. The names of the folders are as follows:
ED 423 Programs
The one file in there is called test.txt
Now, I have to find the filename called README . Found it and the answer to the question is Capitalization matters.

I actually done some ftp using core ftp. I found it more user friendly compared to Filezilla. Also, I noticed that since my Web Host is Linux based which is a some sort of a Unix clone, whenever I make mistake on the letters weather it will be lower case or capital, it will create problem. That is why Capitalization Matters.
traceroute is actually a Unix command. Under Microsoft Windows, the traceroute command has been renamed `tracert` and are designed to accomplish the same task, but differ in the way they display output, in the way they send test packets, and in the number of command line options they provide.
I am using a website called and it was awesome. I tried trace routing and here is the result.

The reason could be because the tracing of the route is from my PC going to where as the other one is from visual route website going to which would take more hops simply because it is coming from overseas. By the way, my Internet provider is iinet. The IP address of is Here is the result using

What I noticed is that I got smaller number of hops when I traceroute from my computer compared to external websites and the reason is so simple. My internet provider is locally and therfore would take much quicker or smaller hops to perform compared to when it is an external website or overseas website. The only thing I couldn't understand is that using the Dos Prompt, I got a couple of request time out error message.
Welcome Rogelio, I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
ReplyDeleteHi Rogelio,
ReplyDeleteYour blog looks great and good luck with NET11.
Hi Rogelio,
ReplyDeletelooks like a great blog. I have found it a challenge to write a blog and keep up with all the work. So good luck with NET11 as well.
Thanks Guys